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Tips For Improving Conversion Rates Of Your Landing Page

This is no place more evident than in key metrics as Conversion rates, which are very dependent on landing page effectiveness. However, what precisely can make your landing page effective, and what strategies would businesses be able to use to boost conversion rates?   

#1. Tailor Content To The Buying Cycle

The content and flow of your landing page ought to mirror the distinct stages of the sales funnel. This can be summarized into awareness, desire, interest and action.

Trying to steer website or blog visitors towards a sale without raising your content awareness. Also piquing your visitor’s interest initially may come across as pushy or spammy.

Rather, your landing page should take into account the user’s different psychological states and motivations at every state of the buying cycle:

Awareness: visitors might be simply browsing and they may not know about your product or service. Visitors may not even know they need your product or service. At this stage, copy ought to be easy to understand and be complemented by videos or images.  

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Interest: visitors already aware that what you offer could solve a pain point, and they will like to learn more. This is an ideal time to build trust and build up expertise by answering questions, bringing in social proof, and offering free quality content, demos or trials.

Desire: at this point a landing page has to overcome objections and reinforce the benefits and values a product brings.

Action: subsequent -step buttons and links should be fully functional and clearly positioned.

#2. Create a unique offer

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We have already established that the target of a landing page is to get website visitors to go ahead with subscription, a purchase, or some other element used to measure conversion. If you offer the same every other person is offering, how would potential clients know they are getting the most possible value for their money? 

Utilize your landing page call-to-action to make your business standout from competitors. Create a compelling offer that is attractive to the point that it can’t be ignored. Your offer and call-to-action should be crafted and unique in such a way that converting would be very easy (no-brainer).

#3. Be predictable


This may appear to run counter to point 2. Shouldn’t your landing page be the inverse of predictable so as to stand out from the rest? Yes and no. You should bend over to make sure that your offer, your call to action, and your value proposition are eye-catching.

In any case, when it comes to the layout, design, and user-friendliness of your landing page, predictability is your best pal.

Web users expect landing page elements to follow a specific pattern in terms of responsiveness, location and design. Conventions apply to the appearance and placement of navigation, buttons, contact details, links, forms, and so on.

Therefore make interactions predictable, easy, and pain-free. Try not to make users think: basically provide compelling and useful copy enmeshed in a well-designed landing page that guides them easily towards conversion.

#4. Urgency and Scarcity

As a business owner or an entrepreneur, you don’t want site visitors to convert “at some point”. Given the possibility, most website users will procrastinate except something moves to take immediate action.

That particular “something” must be incorporated into your landing page. In other words, you may have to gently guide visitors in the right direction so as for them to feel the need to take action – and to do it right now.

You can do as such by applying urgency and scarcity principles.  If resources or time are limited, people will probably assign greater value to an item. Effective approaches to do this include:

  • Specifying an offer is only valid until a particular date and time
  • Adding a counter to display the time remaining to benefit from a particular offer
  • Offering an early bird discount
  • Offering limited edition items

#5. Persuasion in Practice

In previous passages we have talked about social proof, scarcity, and authority, which are part of Robert Cialdini’s six principles of persuasion. Cialdini’s remaining three principles can likewise be incorporated into the content strategy and design of your landing page:

  • Affinity: likability is a powerful motivator, therefore always outline how your company and your prospective clients are alike.
  • Reciprocity: give visitors access to a exclusive and personalized offer (free content, taster course, etc.) to make a subtle sense of indebtedness that will make them more inclined to follow through and convert.
  • Commitment: the need for consistency and commitment are deeply ingrained in the human psyche. If your landing page encourages readers to commit through a small action (for example, downloading a template or white paper, enrolling in a free course, etc.). They will be motivated to repeat that action at a bigger scale provided their initial expectations are met.



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