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Benefits of Video Advertising for Small Businesses

 YouTube PPC Ads: The visual content consumption has enormously expanded in the recent years. Visual content informs the customers or consumers about a specific data in a fascinating and exciting way.

This make the entire process memorable and entertaining.

YouTube PPC is a standout amongst the most great campaign tools available in the market for visual promotions.

Benefits of YouTube PPC ads for Small Businesses

You should be wondering whether it is really important to invest your assets in YouTube ads. 

Considering the fact that there are other online platforms that are free to exhibit your products and services. Are YouTube PPC ads worth the salt really?

The following are the advantages of advertising on YouTube: 

#1. Big Market Base

Big Market Base

YouTube commands 1.3 billion of active users who make up to 33% of all the web users.

By and large, these users view 5 billion videos per day. The number isn’t expected to slow down sooner rather than later.

The expansive market on YouTube provides you with an extensive range of users to showcase your products and persuade them to purchase.

The stiff competition ought not to dishearten you. Ensure that you provide original and unique content to stand out from the crowd and hook your viewers to your content.

#2. Targeting

YouTube PPC ads give you numerous targeting options to choose. These include targets, for example,

  • Topic-This is the subject of your video ad.
  • Demographics-Which includes the sex and age and sex of the viewers.
  • Key phrases- This refers to the particular keywords that are related to the ad for easy searching.
  • Category-This is the thing that interest the audience.

Conducting a viewer targeted campaign decrease the cost of the campaign. It thereby giving you maximum ROI (returns on your investment).

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#3. Time

Different studies demonstrate that YouTube viewers spend more time on the platform as compare to the users on the any other social media platforms.

This is great news for start-ups businesses that are searching for ways to increase traffic and attention to their ads.


#4. Measurable

YouTube PPC advertisements are more measurable compared to the TV advertisements. It is conceivable to track the success of your ad on YouTube by analyzing and keeping records of clicks.

Information, for example, where the viewers found out about your products or services. The time when the viewers quit viewing your ad.

When individuals viewed the ad more regularly are for the most part helpful in tailoring your ad to enable it more effective. You can get this information with the help of YouTube analytics tools.

#5. Cost

With YouTube ads, you will pay per video view. This implies you won’t pay for advertisements that are not viewed.

Viewers are given the option of viewing the ad or skipping it after five seconds if the ad doesn’t interest them. In the event that they successfully tap the ”skip ad” button, the ad placement will be free.

The cost per view goes between the range of 0.10$ and 0.30$ depending upon factors.

For example, the quality of your advertisement, the goal and the targeting of your campaign. This is very little as compared to the advantages of YouTube ads.

Disadvantages of Advertising your Products on YouTube

While the YouTube ad is exceptionally recommended. It has a couple of disadvantages that are merit considering before investment. The disadvantages include:


Conducting a targeted on YouTube battle is both a gift and a curse at the same time. It is hard to tailor your content to a particular audience since a large portion of the YouTube viewers pick the categories of the videos to watch. 

Targeting campaign may likewise make it hard to engage with the prospects who are yet to choose whether they should use your products or not.

You have to conduct a background research about your viewers and every one of the prospects and give content that addresses their issues. This will guarantee that you don’t leave out any potential customer.


There is no assurance that your ad will play the audio in a specific preferred order. You are handicapped with regards to choosing the videos that your ad will play before, during and after the original video constraining the effectiveness of the targeting campaign.

To negate this, you can utilize the sponsored ads or the bumper video ad format to guarantee that your ads are played before viewing the real video to enhance targeting campaign with some sense of relevancy and organization in the ad.


YouTube PPC ads have numerous benefits for the growth and development of your business. The shortcomings are very few and can be effortlessly dealt with for maximum effectiveness.

Choose an ad type that will assist you achieving your campaign goal using minimum resources and effort.

Video marketing is the big thing currently in the recent times and you try not to be deserted in this goldmine.


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  • Melisa Smith
    Posted January 3, 2019 at 5:07 am

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  • Annie Ch
    Posted January 6, 2019 at 8:26 pm

    Nice blog. i never know about these advertisements. thanks for sharing your thought

  • Ashar Jamil
    Posted January 23, 2019 at 7:21 am

    I personally have more experience with SEO, so I know how difficult it is to make sure it works on each page of a site. But I think PPC requires more work than it appears on the surface. A newbie can waste a lot of time and money in PPC advertising when they don’t know how to implement it properly.

  • PPC
    Posted January 24, 2019 at 6:10 am

    I would like to say that your blog about PPC is on-point! This should definitely help novice bloggers. I really need to start considering some of the options that you have listed. 

  • BizVenture
    Posted July 3, 2019 at 6:52 am

    Very informative blog regarding PPC advertising. I am planning to run my first campaign on YouTube and i have collected some tips from your post. Thank you for sharing helpful article.

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