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How To Protect Your Laptop From Liquid (Water) Damage

This article teaches how to protect your laptop from getting damaged in the wake of spilling a liquid on it. Remember that in spite of the fact that the following information is simply the most ideal way to deal with a spill yourself, there is no assurance that your laptop will be stored safely; similarly, looking for professional (Akeentech Repair services) help is a much better solution.

Steps to protect your laptop from liquid damage:

#1. Turn off the laptop and disconnect it from its power source immediately 

To do as such, simply hold down the laptop’s power button. In the event that the liquid/water touches the circuits on the laptop while they are active, your PC will in all likely shorten, so the time is very essential.

To disconnect your laptop from a power source, just remove the charging cable from your laptop. It is often on the left or right side of the laptop.

#2. Remove the laptop from the residual liquid 

This will both limit your PC’s introduction to more fluid and diminishing the danger of electrical stun. You need to do this immediately to avoid further damages and make sure you always keep your laptop in cool and dry places.

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#3. Turn the laptop upside down and remove the battery if possible 

You can as a rule do this by flipping the laptop over, sliding a board from the base of the laptop and make sure you gently pulling on the battery.

This procedure isn’t possible on a MacBook without first unscrewing the bottom of your laptop from the rest of the laptop’s housing.

#4. Unplug all external hardware 

This includes the below items:

  • The laptop charger
  • USB devices (chargers, wireless adapters, flash drives, and so forth.)
  • Controllers (e.g., your mouse)
  • Memory cards

#5. Place a towel on a flat surface

Here, you are going to configure your laptop for the next couple of days, so pick a dry, hot and unobtrusive area.

#6. Open your laptop as much as possible and place it on the briefcase

Depending on your laptop flexibility, everything from the laptop under the tent to a complete flat laptop will be possible. To accelerate the process of drying the fluid, you can get a quick fix on the liquid to help or you can use dryer or blower but be careful when using blower so as not to blow the liquid further more on the laptop.

#7. Wipe all visible liquids

What to clean are the front and back of the laptop’s screen, the laptop case, and the laptop keyboard.

Ensure your laptop is always with you while you do this.

#8. Ground yourself before touching the internal components of your computer 

Grounding eliminates static electricity from your body or your clothes. Static electricity can without much of a stretch destroy the circuit, so it is imperative to do this step before touching the hard drive or the RAM card to protect your laptop and yourself.

#9. Remove all the material you can

In the event that you are not familiar with removing RAM, your laptop’s hard drive, and other internal removable components, you have to bring your laptop to a professional service (Akeentech Repair services) instead.

If you cannot find whatever else for your specific material. Simply search the factory and model number of your laptop taken followed by “RAM Removal” (or the segment you need to remove).

#10. Dry all wet internal components

To do this, you will require a microfiber material (or other lint-free fabric). In the event that there is excessively water in your laptop, you should first empty it. You have to be careful so as not to damage any component (micro components).

#11. Remove dry residues

Use a lint-free fabric to gently remove all non-water chippings, stains and other non-liquid residues. You also have to be careful so as not to damage any component (micro components) while removing the residues.

#12. Let your laptop dry

You’ll need to leave it alone for at least 24 hours. For instance, a dehumidifier can enhance the drying time.

Do not use a hair dryer to accelerate the drying process of your laptop on the grounds that the heat concentration of a hair dryer is very strong to damage the interior parts of your laptop. Make sure to store your laptop in a dry, warm place to protect your laptop from liquid damage henceforth.

#13. Reassemble your laptop and turn it on

If it doesn’t start or you notice a distortion in the display or the sound, you should entrust your laptop to a professional laptop repair service (for instance, Akeentech Repair services).

#14. Remove all residues if necessary 

Regardless of whether your laptop is up and running, you may need to deal with an oily or sticky or substance. You can remove this debris by rubbing the affected area with a lint-free, damp cloth gently as you did when the workstation was drying.

Thanks for reading and feel free to drop your comment bellow if you have any contribution on how to protect your laptop from liquid damage.

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